Source code for syft.ast.enum

"""This module contains `EnumAttribute`, an AST node representing the
 attributes of a Python Enum which are only gettable, not settable."""

# stdlib
from enum import Enum
from typing import Any
from typing import Optional

# syft relative
from .. import ast
from ..core.common.pointer import AbstractPointer
from ..core.node.abstract.node import AbstractNodeClient
from ..core.node.common.action.get_enum_attribute_action import EnumAttributeAction
from ..logger import traceback_and_raise

[docs]class EnumAttribute(ast.attribute.Attribute): """An EnumAttribute represents the attributes of a Python Enum which are only gettable, not settable."""
[docs] def __init__( self, parent: ast.attribute.Attribute, path_and_name: str, return_type_name: Optional[str] = None, client: Optional[AbstractNodeClient] = None, ) -> None: """Base constructor for Enum Attribute. Args: parent: The parent node is needed when solving `EnumAttributes`. path_and_name: The path for the current node, e.g. `syft.lib.python.List`. return_type_name: The return type name of given action as a string with its full path. client: The client for which all computation is being executed. """ super().__init__( path_and_name=path_and_name, return_type_name=return_type_name, client=client, parent=parent, )
[docs] def get_remote_enum_attribute(self) -> AbstractPointer: """Remote getter on an `Enum` attribute in the AST. Raises: ValueError: Cannot get Enum attribute. Returns: A pointer to the remote enum attribute. """ if self.path_and_name is None: traceback_and_raise( ValueError( "Can't get enum attribute, path_and_name to solve it " "has not been set." ) ) if self.client is None: traceback_and_raise( ValueError( "Can't get remote enum attribute if there is no client" "set to get it from" ) ) return_tensor_type_pointer_type = self.client.lib_ast.query( path=self.return_type_name ).pointer_type ptr = return_tensor_type_pointer_type(client=self.client) msg = EnumAttributeAction( path=self.path_and_name, id_at_location=ptr.id_at_location, address=self.client.address, ) self.client.send_immediate_msg_without_reply(msg=msg) return ptr
[docs] def solve_get_enum_attribute(self) -> Enum: """Local getter on an `Enum` attribute in the AST. Raises: ValueError: Cannot get Enum attribute. Returns: The `Enum` object from the parent object reference. """ if self.path_and_name is None: traceback_and_raise( ValueError( "Can't get enum attribute, path_and_name to solve it " "has not been set remotely." ) ) return getattr(self.parent.object_ref,
def __call__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """An `Enum` attribute is not callable. Args: *args: Variable length argument list. *kwargs: keyword arguments. Raises: ValueError: If the function is called. """ traceback_and_raise( ValueError("__call__ should never be executed on an enum " "attribute.") )
[docs] def add_path(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """An `Enum` can no longer have children nodes. Args: *args: Variable length argument list. *kwargs: keyword arguments.. Raises: ValueError: If the function is called. """ traceback_and_raise( "__add__path should never be called on an enum attribute, " "enum attributes are leaf nodes in the AST." )