Source code for syft.core.plan.translation.torchscript.plan

# stdlib
import io
from typing import Any
from typing import Optional

# third party
from google.protobuf.reflection import GeneratedProtocolMessageType
from syft_proto.execution.v1.plan_pb2 import Plan as Plan_PB
import torch as th

# syft relative
from .....core.common.object import Serializable
from .....logger import traceback_and_raise

[docs]class PlanTorchscript(Serializable): """ Represents Syft Plan translated to TorchScript """ def __init__(self, torchscript: Optional[th.jit.ScriptModule] = None): super().__init__() self.torchscript = torchscript
[docs] @staticmethod def get_protobuf_schema() -> GeneratedProtocolMessageType: """ Return the type of protobuf object which stores a class of this type As a part of serialization and deserialization, we need the ability to lookup the protobuf object type directly from the object type. This static method allows us to do this. Importantly, this method is also used to create the reverse lookup ability within the metaclass of Serializable. In the metaclass, it calls this method and then it takes whatever type is returned from this method and adds an attribute to it with the type of this class attached to it. See the MetaSerializable class for details. Returns: The type of protobuf object which corresponds to this class. """ return Plan_PB
def __call__(self, *args: Any) -> Any: if self.torchscript: return self.torchscript(*args) else: traceback_and_raise("No torchscript") def _object2proto(self) -> Plan_PB: """ Returns a protobuf serialization of self. As a requirement of all objects which inherit from Serializable, this method transforms the current object into the corresponding Protobuf object so that it can be further serialized. Returns: The protobuf representation of self. """ bin = self.torchscript.save_to_buffer() if self.torchscript else None return Plan_PB(torchscript=bin) @staticmethod def _proto2object(proto: Plan_PB) -> "PlanTorchscript": """Creates a ObjectWithID from a protobuf As a requirement of all objects which inherit from Serializable, this method transforms a protobuf object into an instance of this class. Returns: A Plan representation from the associated protobuf message. """ if proto.torchscript: bin = io.BytesIO(proto.torchscript) ts = th.jit.load(bin) else: ts = None return PlanTorchscript(torchscript=ts)