Source code for syft.lib.misc.union

# stdlib
from typing import Any
from typing import Dict
from typing import List
from typing import Set
from typing import Tuple

[docs]class IndexableTrait(type): """ IndexableTrait is used as a metaclass for our UnionGenerator to be able to set __getitem__ on the class to enable the UnionGenerator[...] syntax. """ def __getitem__(self, union_types: Tuple[str, ...]) -> str: return UnionGenerator.from_qualnames(list(union_types))
[docs]class UnionGenerator(type, metaclass=IndexableTrait): """ UnionGenerator is a metaclass used to generate on the spot union types from their qualnames. Eg. UnionGenerator["syft.lib.python.Int", "syft.lib.python.Float"] will generate in the current module the FloatIntUnion type that will have no functions added to the type itself until the AST is finished to be generated. If new types of unions have to be generated afterwards: 1. you might be using the ast in a wrong way. 2. if you know what you are doing, you have to regenerate the ast. """ SUFFIX_UNION = "Union" def __new__(cls, name: str, bases: tuple, dct: dict) -> Any: dct["__qualname__"] = "syft.lib.misc.union." + name dct["__name__"] = name new_type = super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) # insert our new union type in the global scope of the module globals()[new_type.__name__] = new_type return new_type
[docs] @staticmethod def from_qualnames(union_types: List[str]) -> str: # sorting to not generate the same permutation of the types union_types = sorted(union_types) name = "".join([union_type.split(".")[-1] for union_type in union_types]) name += UnionGenerator.SUFFIX_UNION # searching in the cache to not solve the union type multiple times if name in union_cache: return name target_type = UnionGenerator(name, tuple(), {}) # adding the type and it's union types to a lazy dict that will be solved # when the ast is created. lazy_pairing[target_type] = union_types qualname = target_type.__qualname__ union_cache.add(qualname) return qualname
# store here already solved union types union_cache: Set[str] = set() # store here union types to be solved after the AST has been created and we # can generate our misc types based on them. lazy_pairing: Dict[UnionGenerator, List[str]] = {}