Source code for syft.util

# stdlib
import os
from pathlib import Path
from secrets import randbelow
from typing import Any
from typing import List
from typing import Optional
from typing import Union

# third party
from forbiddenfruit import curse
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
from nacl.signing import VerifyKey

# syft absolute
import syft

# syft relative
from .logger import critical
from .logger import debug
from .logger import error
from .logger import traceback_and_raise

[docs]def validate_type(_object: object, _type: type, optional: bool = False) -> Any: if isinstance(_object, _type) or (optional and (_object is None)): return _object traceback_and_raise( f"Object {_object} should've been of type {_type}, not {_object}." )
[docs]def validate_field(_object: object, _field: str) -> Any: object = getattr(_object, _field, None) if object is not None: return object traceback_and_raise(f"Object {_object} has no {_field} field set.")
[docs]def get_subclasses(obj_type: type) -> List[type]: """Recursively generate the list of all classes within the sub-tree of an object As a paradigm in Syft, we often allow for something to be known about by another part of the codebase merely because it has subclassed a particular object. While this can be a big "magicish" it also can simplify future extensions and reduce the likelihood of small mistakes (if done right). This is a utility function which allows us to look for sub-classes and the sub-classes of those sub-classes etc. returning a full list of descendants of a class in the inheritance hierarchy. Args: obj_type: the type we want to look for sub-classes of Returns: the list of subclasses of obj_type """ classes = list() for sc in obj_type.__subclasses__(): classes.append(sc) classes += get_subclasses(obj_type=sc) return classes
[docs]def index_modules(a_dict: object, keys: List[str]) -> object: """Recursively find a syft module from its path This is the recursive inner function of index_syft_by_module_name. See that method for a full description. Args: a_dict: a module we're traversing keys: the list of string attributes we're using to traverse the module Returns: a reference to the final object """ if len(keys) == 0: return a_dict return index_modules(a_dict=a_dict.__dict__[keys[0]], keys=keys[1:])
[docs]def index_syft_by_module_name(fully_qualified_name: str) -> object: """Look up a Syft class/module/function from full path and name Sometimes we want to use the fully qualified name (such as one generated from the 'get_fully_qualified_name' method below) to fetch an actual reference. This is most commonly used in deserialization so that we can have generic protobuf objects which just have a string representation of the specific object it is meant to deserialize to. Args: fully_qualified_name: the name in str of a module, class, or function Returns: a reference to the actual object at that string path """ attr_list = fully_qualified_name.split(".") # we deal with VerifyAll differently, because we don't it be imported and used by users if attr_list[-1] == "VerifyAll": return type( if attr_list[0] != "syft": raise ReferenceError(f"Reference don't match: {attr_list[0]}") if ( attr_list[1] != "core" and attr_list[1] != "lib" and attr_list[1] != "grid" and attr_list[1] != "wrappers" ): raise ReferenceError(f"Reference don't match: {attr_list[1]}") return index_modules(a_dict=globals()["syft"], keys=attr_list[1:])
[docs]def get_fully_qualified_name(obj: object) -> str: """Return the full path and name of a class Sometimes we want to return the entire path and name encoded using periods. For example syft.core.common.message.SyftMessage is the current fully qualified path and name for the SyftMessage object. Args: obj: the object we want to get the name of Returns: the full path and name of the object """ fqn = obj.__module__ try: fqn += "." + obj.__class__.__name__ except Exception as e: error(f"Failed to get FQN: {e}") return fqn
[docs]def aggressive_set_attr(obj: object, name: str, attr: object) -> None: """Different objects prefer different types of monkeypatching - try them all Args: obj: object whose attribute has to be set name: attribute name attr: value given to the attribute """ try: setattr(obj, name, attr) except Exception: curse(obj, name, attr)
[docs]def obj2pointer_type(obj: object) -> type: fqn = None try: fqn = get_fully_qualified_name(obj=obj) except Exception as e: # sometimes the object doesn't have a __module__ so you need to use the type # like: collections.OrderedDict debug(f"Unable to get get_fully_qualified_name of {type(obj)} trying type. {e}") if obj is None: fqn = "syft.lib.python._SyNone" else: fqn = get_fully_qualified_name(obj=type(obj)) try: ref = syft.lib_ast.query(fqn, obj_type=type(obj)) except Exception as e: log = f"Cannot find {type(obj)} {fqn} in lib_ast. {e}" critical(log) raise Exception(log) return ref.pointer_type
[docs]def key_emoji(key: object) -> str: try: if isinstance(key, (bytes, SigningKey, VerifyKey)): hex_chars = bytes(key).hex()[-8:] return char_emoji(hex_chars=hex_chars) except Exception as e: error(f"Fail to get key emoji: {e}") pass return "ALL"
[docs]def char_emoji(hex_chars: str) -> str: base = ord("\U0001F642") hex_base = ord("0") code = 0 for char in hex_chars: offset = ord(char) code += offset - hex_base return chr(base + code)
left_name = [ "admiring", "adoring", "affectionate", "agitated", "amazing", "angry", "awesome", "beautiful", "blissful", "bold", "boring", "brave", "busy", "charming", "clever", "cool", "compassionate", "competent", "condescending", "confident", "cranky", "crazy", "dazzling", "determined", "distracted", "dreamy", "eager", "ecstatic", "elastic", "elated", "elegant", "eloquent", "epic", "exciting", "fervent", "festive", "flamboyant", "focused", "friendly", "frosty", "funny", "gallant", "gifted", "goofy", "gracious", "great", "happy", "hardcore", "heuristic", "hopeful", "hungry", "infallible", "inspiring", "interesting", "intelligent", "jolly", "jovial", "keen", "kind", "laughing", "loving", "lucid", "magical", "mystifying", "modest", "musing", "naughty", "nervous", "nice", "nifty", "nostalgic", "objective", "optimistic", "peaceful", "pedantic", "pensive", "practical", "priceless", "quirky", "quizzical", "recursing", "relaxed", "reverent", "romantic", "sad", "serene", "sharp", "silly", "sleepy", "stoic", "strange", "stupefied", "suspicious", "sweet", "tender", "thirsty", "trusting", "unruffled", "upbeat", "vibrant", "vigilant", "vigorous", "wizardly", "wonderful", "xenodochial", "youthful", "zealous", "zen", ] right_name = [ "albattani", "allen", "almeida", "antonelli", "agnesi", "archimedes", "ardinghelli", "aryabhata", "austin", "babbage", "banach", "banzai", "bardeen", "bartik", "bassi", "beaver", "bell", "benz", "bhabha", "bhaskara", "black", "blackburn", "blackwell", "bohr", "booth", "borg", "bose", "bouman", "boyd", "brahmagupta", "brattain", "brown", "buck", "burnell", "cannon", "carson", "cartwright", "carver", "cerf", "chandrasekhar", "chaplygin", "chatelet", "chatterjee", "chebyshev", "cohen", "chaum", "clarke", "colden", "cori", "cray", "curran", "curie", "darwin", "davinci", "dewdney", "dhawan", "diffie", "dijkstra", "dirac", "driscoll", "dubinsky", "easley", "edison", "einstein", "elbakyan", "elgamal", "elion", "ellis", "engelbart", "euclid", "euler", "faraday", "feistel", "fermat", "fermi", "feynman", "franklin", "gagarin", "galileo", "galois", "ganguly", "gates", "gauss", "germain", "goldberg", "goldstine", "goldwasser", "golick", "goodall", "gould", "greider", "grothendieck", "haibt", "hamilton", "haslett", "hawking", "hellman", "heisenberg", "hermann", "herschel", "hertz", "heyrovsky", "hodgkin", "hofstadter", "hoover", "hopper", "hugle", "hypatia", "ishizaka", "jackson", "jang", "jemison", "jennings", "jepsen", "johnson", "joliot", "jones", "kalam", "kapitsa", "kare", "keldysh", "keller", "kepler", "khayyam", "khorana", "kilby", "kirch", "knuth", "kowalevski", "lalande", "lamarr", "lamport", "leakey", "leavitt", "lederberg", "lehmann", "lewin", "lichterman", "liskov", "lovelace", "lumiere", "mahavira", "margulis", "matsumoto", "maxwell", "mayer", "mccarthy", "mcclintock", "mclaren", "mclean", "mcnulty", "mendel", "mendeleev", "meitner", "meninsky", "merkle", "mestorf", "mirzakhani", "moore", "morse", "murdock", "moser", "napier", "nash", "neumann", "newton", "nightingale", "nobel", "noether", "northcutt", "noyce", "panini", "pare", "pascal", "pasteur", "payne", "perlman", "pike", "poincare", "poitras", "proskuriakova", "ptolemy", "raman", "ramanujan", "ride", "montalcini", "ritchie", "rhodes", "robinson", "roentgen", "rosalind", "rubin", "saha", "sammet", "sanderson", "satoshi", "shamir", "shannon", "shaw", "shirley", "shockley", "shtern", "sinoussi", "snyder", "solomon", "spence", "stonebraker", "sutherland", "swanson", "swartz", "swirles", "taussig", "tereshkova", "tesla", "tharp", "thompson", "torvalds", "tu", "turing", "varahamihira", "vaughan", "visvesvaraya", "volhard", "villani", "wescoff", "wilbur", "wiles", "williams", "williamson", "wilson", "wing", "wozniak", "wright", "wu", "yalow", "yonath", "zhukovsky", ] # we could replace these with some favorite AI / Privacy researches and engineers?
[docs]def random_name() -> str: left_i = randbelow(len(left_name) - 1) right_i = randbelow(len(right_name) - 1) return f"{left_name[left_i].capitalize()} {right_name[right_i].capitalize()}"
[docs]def inherit_tags( attr_path_and_name: str, result: object, self_obj: Optional[object], args: Union[tuple, list], kwargs: dict, ) -> None: tags = [] if self_obj is not None and hasattr(self_obj, "tags"): tags.extend(list(self_obj.tags)) # type: ignore for arg in args: if hasattr(arg, "tags"): tags.extend([tag for tag in arg.tags if tag not in tags]) for arg in kwargs.values(): if hasattr(arg, "tags"): tags.extend([tag for tag in arg.tags if tag not in tags]) # only generate new tags if the result actually inherit some tags. if tags: tags.append(attr_path_and_name.split(".")[-1]) result.tags = tags # type: ignore
[docs]def get_root_data_path() -> Path: # get the PySyft / data directory to share datasets between notebooks # on Linux and MacOS the directory is: ~/.syft/data" # on Windows the directory is: C:/Users/$USER/.syft/data data_dir = Path.home() / ".syft" / "data" os.makedirs(data_dir, exist_ok=True) return data_dir