Uploading Private Data to a Domain Server

Data Owner Tutorials

☑️ 00-deploy-domain

◻️ 01-upload-data👈


TIP: To run this tutorial interactively in Jupyter Lab on your own machine type:

pip install -U hagrid
hagrid quickstart data-owner

Welcome back to another Data Owner tutorial. In the last tutorial, you learned How to Deploy a Domain Server that represents your organization’s private data servers. But right now, the node you just deployed is empty.

After today’s tutorial, you will learn how to upload data to your new domain node, which involves annotating and doing ETL before uploading it to our Domain Node/server.

Note: Throughout the tutorials, we also mean Domain Servers whenever we refer to Domain Node. Both mean the same and are used interchangeably.

Step to Upload Private Data

📒 Overview of this tutorial:

  1. Preprocessing of Data

  2. Marking it with correct metadata

  3. Uploading data to Domain Server


Step 1: Import Syft

To utilize the privacy-enhancing features offered in PyGrid and to communicate with your domain node, you must first import OpenMined’s private deep learning library: PySyft.

Lets import Syft by running the below cell:


# run this cell
   import syft as sy
   print("Syft is imported")
   print("Syft is not installed. Please use the 🧙🏽‍♂️ Install Wizard above.")

Out: Syft is imported

Step 2: Log into Domain

By default, only the Domain node Admin can upload data, so to upload your data, you will need to first login as the admin. (Upload data permissions can be customized after logging into the domain node.)

To login to your Domain node, you will need to define which Domain you are logging into and who you are. In this case, it will take the form of:

  • IP Address of the domain host

  • Your user account Email and Password

    WARNING: Change the default username and password below to a more secure and private combination of your preference.


# run this cell
   domain_client = sy.login(
except Exception as e:
   print("Unable to login. Please check your domain is up with `!hagrid check localhost:8081`")


Connecting to done! Logging into openmined... done!

Lovely :) You have just logged in to your Domain.


Steps to change the default admin credentials for Domain Owner are shown below 👇


Step 3: Prepare Dataset

For this tutorial, we will use a simple dataset of four peoples ages.


# run this cell
   import pandas as pd
   data = {'ID': ['011', '015', '022', '034'],
         'Age': [40, 39, 9, 8]}

   dataset = pd.DataFrame(data)
except Exception:
   print("Install the latest version of Pandas using the command: !pip install pandas")


ID  Age
011   40
015   39
022    9
034    8

Step 4: Annotate Data for Automatic DP

Now that we have our dataset, we can begin annotating it with privacy-specific metadata called Auto DP metadata. Auto DP metadata allows the PySyft library to protect and adjust the visibility different Data Scientists will have into any one of our data subjects. Data Subjects are the entities whose privacy we want to protect. So, in this case, they are the individual family members.


In order to protect the privacy of the people within our dataset we first need to specify who those people are. In this example we have created a column with unique ID’s for each person in this dataset.

Important steps:

  • data subjects are entities whose privacy we want to protect

  • each feature needs to define the appropriate minimum and maximum ranges

  • when defining min and max values, we are actually defining the theoretical amount of values that could be learned about that aspect.

  • To help obscure the variables someone may learn about these datasets we then need to set an appropriate lower_bound to the lowest possible persons age (0), and the upper_bound to the highest possible (mostly) persons age (100).


# run this cell
data_subjects = sy.DataSubjectArray.from_objs(dataset["ID"])

age_data = sy.Tensor(dataset["Age"]).annotate_with_dp_metadata(
   lower_bound=0, upper_bound=100, data_subjects=data_subjects

Note: If your project has a training set, validation set and test set, you must annotate each data set with Auto DP metadata.

Step 5: Upload the Dataset

Once you have prepared your data, it’s time to upload it to the Domain node. To help Data Scientists later search and discover our datasets, we will add details like a name and a description of what this dataset represents.

Note: If your project has a train, validation and test set, you need to add them as assets. In this case, it is just our age column.


# run this cell
      "Age_Data": age_data,
   description="Our dataset contains the Ages of our four Family members with unique ID's. There are 2 columns and 4 rows in our dataset."


Dataset is uploaded successfully !!!

Step 6: Check the Dataset

To check the dataset you uploaded to the Domain Node, go ahead and run the below command, and it will list all the datasets on this Domain with their Names, Descriptions, Assets, and Unique IDs.


# run this cell

Awesome 👏 !! You have uploaded the dataset onto your Domain Server!

By uploading the dataset onto the Domain Node, Data Owners are opening up the possibilities of different Data Scientists being able to study it without downloading it and without the Data Owners doing any experiment-specific work while Data Scientists are studying their private data.

What’s Next?

Alright, so we have walked through How to deploy a Domain Node and How to prepare and upload a dataset to that Domain Node so that Data Scientists can study our datasets without being able to download them.

In the following tutorial, we will see how Data Scientists can find datasets and work across all the different Domain nodes.